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Centaur basic feed for sport horses (K-S-Mix)

Centaur basic feed for sport horses (K-S-Mix)(Supplement compound feed for horses)

This compound feed is used to feed jumping sport horses that are undergoing training and being prepared for competitions.
It is used as supplement to meet daily nutritive needs of your horse, along with basic hay, pasture and fodder.

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Centaur for gestating and lactating mares (K-K-I)

2014 k-k-iThis feed has high nutritional value and nutritional components that ensure all needs of mares and also enable the optimal development and growth of fetus in the last few months of gestation. It is made from a selection of healthy grains and their particular technological preparation. The feed contains cultures of live yeast that provide a stable and balanced metabolism, omega 3 fatty acids to protect heart and blood vessels but also the factors that ensure the overall stability of the whole body.

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Centaur basic feed for sport horses (K-S-B)

Centaur hrana za sportske konje basic (K-S-B)This compound feed is used to feed sport horses that are undergoing training and being prepared for competitions. There is no oats, therefore the feed is appropriate for horses that got too much energy if fed with oats; the feed contains well balanced ratio of vitamins, micro minerals and trace elements so all possible nutrition needs of your horse are met (all the needed ingredients in one pallet).

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Centaur Stallion (K-PA)

2014 k-k-iComplete feed for breeding stallions.

Complete feed which contains high nutritional value and special nutritive supplements which ensure all nutritional needs of stallions in breeding and work are satisfied.

Living yeast culture Saccharomyces ensure stable and balanced metabolism.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids ensure protection of hearth and blood vessels as well
as stability of entire organism

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Centaur - Mash

2016-mashCentaur - Mash is a specifically structured feed, produced from high quality raw materials which were thermally processed, fermented plants, essential oils which stimulate the digestion and clear the respiratory tract. It is intended for all adult horses after hard work, long duration transport, colic, for mares after foaling.

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Centaur basic feed for horses (K-O-I-B-Z)

2014 k-o-iCentaur (K-O-I-B-Z) is feed intended for all adult horses in the period of resting and low workload, and, in combination with other feed from the Centaur concept of horse alimentation, during the period of increased intensity of training. It is recommended for horses at riding school and for feeding horses allergic to oat.

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Centaur Arabian elegance (K-A-E)

2014 k-m-f


Specifically structured, complete feed, tailor -made for Arabian purebred and exhibition horses.

This feed contains high nutritional value as well as special nutritive components that ensure better food efficiency.

It contains yeast culture Yea-sacc ts Saccharomyces cervisae which enables stable and balanced matabolism and omega-3 fatty acids for protection of cardiovascular system.

It also contains high percentige of natural oils and biotin.

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Centaur Racing feed (K-R-I)

2014 k-r-iCentaur Racing is a complete feed, primarily intended for endurance riding, but it can also be used as feed for dressage horses in training and competition season. The composition of this feed is specifically structured for rapid and long-term availability of energy. With high nutritional value, it contains nutritional components that help sport horses achieve top results, while meeting all the needs and protecting good health.

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Centaur feed for sport horses (K-S-I)

2014 k-s-iUniversal feed for sport horses but intended primarily for horses in show jumping. Providing high nutritional value, it also contains nutritional components which ensure sport horses achieve top results, while meeting all needs and protection of health.

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Centaur flake classic (K-P-C)

2014 k-o-iFood is intended for all adult horses during a period of rest and light work and in combination with other foods from the Centaur concept of horse feeding, with increased intensity of training. Since it does not contain oats, it is recommended to feed the horses that are alergic to the oats.

Centaur flake classic contain thermally processed cereals and contain essential vitamins and minerals in its composition.

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Centaur flake mix (K-O-II)

2014 k-o-iiCentaur flake mix is primarily intended for older horses and ponies, but also horses with bad reaction to oats.

This feed is structured with particular care and choice of raw material base in order to get feed for a balanced metabolism and prevention of metabolic risk. It is particularly effective in the phase of convalescence, or in specific diseases that require special and proper diet, eg laminitis, etc. Centaur flake mix contains only technologically processed grains without the addition of oats. The necessary vitamin and mineral base in a specific granular form which guarantees excellent fit and a stable metabolism has been added to the composition of this feed.

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Centaur grain-free (K-B-Ž)

2014 k-o-iThis animal feed mixture is specially combined to contain a high level and optimal mix of fibres, high level of fats with an increased share of Omega 3 fatty acids and a low level of proteins, starches and sugar. Due to its composition it positively impacts the functioning of the digestive system, and is particularly effective for feeding of horses with gastrointestinal problems. Given it is grain-free it is recommended for horses sensitive to grain.

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Centaur basic feed for horses (K-O-I)

2014 k-o-iComplete feed intended for adult horses during recreation and light work as well to be combined with other feeds during the transitional period of increase in the intensity of training, (see chapter "How does Centaur concept of nutrition work?", P. 8 and 9). This feed complements all essential nutrients needed alongside the primary forage, hay or pasture. Due to its specific composition, it can be freely given to horses without fear of unwanted digestive problems. Intake of this feed ensures great shape of your horse, achieves a stable metabolism and ensures their calmness.

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Centaur feed for foals and young horses in development

2014 k-z-iComplete feed for foals from six months of age and young horses in the development of up to the year and a half of age. The composition of this feed is specifically structured for sustained development and growth of young horses. Besides high nutritional value, it also contains nutritional components that provide optimal introduction to daily meals that will feed young horses from the first year of life.

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Centaur Baby H&H – foal starter feed (from 4th week up to 6 months of life)

2014 k-z-iFirst easily digestible solid feed for nursing foals. Its specific composition provides an initial basis for achieving and maintaining a stable metabolism, proper and balanced growth and development of bone and muscle mass, proportional development of certain regions of the body and foal in general. It also provides a good transitional basis for consumption of complete feed for young horses in the growth and development.
Introduction of solid feeds to a nursing foal's diet should start after 3-4 weeks after its birth as the composition of mare's milk changes unfavorably - qualitatively and quantitatively.

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