Obavijest o godišnjem odmoru

Poštovani kupci, zbog korištenja kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora tvrtka Kušić promet neće raditi od 12.08.2024. - 16-08.2024. (zadnji radni dan PETAK 09.08.2024. - prvi radni dan PONEDJELJAK 19.08.2024.).

Ukoliko trebate hranu za životinje, molimo Vas da ju naručite u periodu prije ili poslije kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora.

Hvala na razumijevanju!

Complete and functional feed

The focus of our concept of nutrition are health and welfare of horses, two elements that make the platform on which rests the further development of the horse according to its constitution, predisposition, and physical performance.

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THZ Kusic-promet d.o.o.


THZ Kusic-promet d.o.o. is well-known Croatian producer of quality feed and vitamin-mineral supplements in animal nutrition with tradition, knowledge and experience longer than 25 years.

In 2007, technological advancement, innovative approach and professionalism lead to horse feed concept with brand name Centaur.

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Why pelleted feed?

Pelleting is a widely accepted way of preparing horse feed, which includes different methods of mechanical and thermal processing. It is important to emphasize that in pelleting of our feed no synthetic binders are being used; pellets are shaped by pressing through the matrix hole.

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How does Centaur concept of nutrition work?

The need to ensure the best form of nutrition for your horse, which would initially provide a quick and hassle-free growth, development and growing up, and finally setting up its practical purposes, pervades from the first days of life until the late age.

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ISO 9001-2000

iso kusic

  • Live stock feed factory "KUSIC PROMET" is a company with quality system certified by DNV:
  • Find out more @ http://www.iso.org/.


iso kusic

  • HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
  • Since 2005 "Kusic promet" uses HACCP in production of animal feed.