Obavijest o godišnjem odmoru

Poštovani kupci, zbog korištenja kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora tvrtka Kušić promet neće raditi od 12.08.2024. - 16-08.2024. (zadnji radni dan PETAK 09.08.2024. - prvi radni dan PONEDJELJAK 19.08.2024.).

Ukoliko trebate hranu za životinje, molimo Vas da ju naručite u periodu prije ili poslije kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora.

Hvala na razumijevanju!

2014 k-s-iUniversal feed for sport horses but intended primarily for horses in show jumping. Providing high nutritional value, it also contains nutritional components which ensure sport horses achieve top results, while meeting all needs and protection of health.

Contains live yeast culture to provide a stable and balanced metabolism, omega 3 fatty acids to protect heart and blood vessels, but also the factor that ensures the overall stability of the entire body.
High training and preparation for sporting events are reflected in the joints and muscles. Therefore this feed also contains by-pass proteins that have a direct impact on the proper development and growth, as well as protection of these structures at high strain.

k s iImportant features:

  • stable and balanced metabolism
  • more available energy
  • protection of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems

cracked oats, heat-processed corn, dry sugar beet shreds, barley meal, cornflakes, carob, sunflower meal, heat-processed soybeans, broad beans, dehydrated alfalfa, flax seed, molasses, vitamin and mineral premix (Vitamin K3, Vitamin C, vitamins of B complex, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Folic acid, Biotin).

Added to 1 kg CENTAUR - feed for sport horses:

Vit. A 11.500 i.j.
Vit. D3 1.450 i.j.
Vit. E 245 mg
Choline chloride 245 mg
Vit. K3 0,21 mg
Vit. B1 9,45 mg
Vit. B2 11,34 mg
Vit. B6 9,45 mg
Vit. B12 66,15 mg
Biotin 0,19 mg
Folic acid 4,9 mg
Niacin 20,65 mg
Pantothenic acid 9,45 mg
Vit. C 47,25 mg
Iodine 0,55 mg
Copper 15 mg
Iron 50 mg
Zinc 125 mg
Manganese 100 mg
Selenium 0,55 mg

Nutrition content:

Crude protein 13 %
Crude fat 5 %
Crude fiber 8,5 %
Calcium 1,1 %
Phosphorus 0,6 %
Sodium 0,25 %
Magnesium 0,25 %
DE horses 12,5 MJ/kg

Zootechnical additives:
Yeast cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 493.94 (Yea-sacc, 4a1704) ) 2x10⁹ CFU.

Feeding directions:
It is used for feeding adult horses. It serves as a supplement to forage, hay or pasture.
Daily meal depends on the needs, the quantity and quality of basic meals:

  • for horses in high training - 1 kg per 100 kg body weight
  • for horses in light training - 0,75 kg per 100 kg body weight

Feed in portions, dry. Have plenty of fresh water available at all times.

20 kg bags