Obavijest o godišnjem odmoru

Poštovani kupci, zbog korištenja kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora tvrtka Kušić promet neće raditi od 12.08.2024. - 16-08.2024. (zadnji radni dan PETAK 09.08.2024. - prvi radni dan PONEDJELJAK 19.08.2024.).

Ukoliko trebate hranu za životinje, molimo Vas da ju naručite u periodu prije ili poslije kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora.

Hvala na razumijevanju!

Centaur Mix feed (K-M-I)

2014 k-m-iConcentrated feed intended to be combined with own grains (high quality oats, barley). Expertly crafted composition provides the safety and effectiveness when feeding this feed. When preparing a meal, the recommended guidelines about the ratio of Centaur mix and other grains should be followed in order to preserve nutritive structure of meals and to meet all your horse's needs.

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Centaur Vit-Forte - granulated molassed vitamin-mineral mixture for horses

vit-forteCentaur Vit-Forte is a specific mixture aimed primarily at horses in continuity of competition to maintain the necessary level of competition fitness through the supply of the body with essential vitamins and minerals for regeneration as well as nutritional source of quickly available and easily digestible energy from molasses to make it easier to overcome the effort.

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