Obavijest o godišnjem odmoru

Poštovani kupci, zbog korištenja kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora tvrtka Kušić promet neće raditi od 12.08.2024. - 16-08.2024. (zadnji radni dan PETAK 09.08.2024. - prvi radni dan PONEDJELJAK 19.08.2024.).

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2014 k-k-iComplete feed for breeding stallions.

Complete feed which contains high nutritional value and special nutritive supplements which ensure all nutritional needs of stallions in breeding and work are satisfied.

Living yeast culture Saccharomyces ensure stable and balanced metabolism.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids ensure protection of hearth and blood vessels as well
as stability of entire organism

Vitamin E combined with selenium and other antioxidants and key amino acids ensure protection, function, production and good mobility of the semen.
Biotin and fatty acids for healthy and shiney coat.

k k iKey characteristics:

  • stable condition and metabolism of stallions
  • high production and mobility of the semen

This feed is used to feed stallions in breeding, treining or competition.
It serves as a supplement to forage, hay or pasture.

what bran, alfalfa, sunflower meal, oats, milled wheat straw, sugar beet molases, wheat flakes, oat flakes, vitamin and mineral premix, barley flakes, barley, soybean meal (originates from GMO), horsebean, linseed, sunflower oil, 12.1.5 yeast product - Bio-Mos®, flavouring, antioxidants

Added to 1 kg Centaur Stallion:

Vit. A 15.000 i.j.
Vit. D3 1.500 i.j.
Vit. E 600 mg
Vit. K3 0,25 mg
Vit. B1 30 mg
Vit. B2 20 mg
Vit. B6 24 mg
Vit. B12 300.00 mcg
Biotin 2 mg
Folic acid 10 mg
Niacin 25 mg
Pantothenic acid 10 mg
Choline chloride 90 mg
Vit. C 5 mg
Iodine 1 mg
Copper 45 mg
Iron 82 mg
Zinc 130 mg
Manganese 129 mg
Selenium 0,50 mg
Cobalt 0,11 mg

Analitical composition:

Crude protein 16 %
Crude fiber 11 %
Crude fat 5 %
Ash 8 %
Calcium 1,5 %
Phosphorus 0,55 %
Sodium 0,45 %
Methonine 0,25 %

Zootechnical additives:
Yeast cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CBS 493.94 (Yea-sacc, 4a1704) 2x10⁹ CFU.

Feeding directions:
this feed is used to feed stallions in breeding and/or treining and preparations for competitions. It surves as a supplement to daily meal along with basic hay, pasture and fodder.

Daily portion depends on needs, quantity and quality of the basic meal:

  • for horses in intensive treining – 1,2 kg per 100 kg body mass,
  • for horses in lighter treining - 0,80 kg per 100 kg body mass
  • for horses in light work – 0,40 kg per 100 kg body mass

Feed in portions, in dry state while ensuring sufficient quantities of fresh water.

20 kg bags