Obavijest o godišnjem odmoru

Poštovani kupci, zbog korištenja kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora tvrtka Kušić promet neće raditi od 12.08.2024. - 16-08.2024. (zadnji radni dan PETAK 09.08.2024. - prvi radni dan PONEDJELJAK 19.08.2024.).

Ukoliko trebate hranu za životinje, molimo Vas da ju naručite u periodu prije ili poslije kolektivnog godišnjeg odmora.

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Pelleting is a widely accepted way of preparing horse feed, which includes different methods of mechanical and thermal processing. It is important to emphasize that in pelleting of our feed no synthetic binders are being used; pellets are shaped by pressing through the matrix hole.


The advantages of pelleting are as follows:

  • Health, safety and microbiological purity
    Thermal treatment of ingredients reduces the content of undesirable microorganisms and their toxins in feed along with their adverse effect on the body of horses that can manifest itself in terms of weakening the immune system, allergic reactions of varying intensity, the development of tumors etc. In fact, most of the toxins that enter a horse's body come from unhealthy and unhygienic feed, grain and roughage contaminated with fungi.
  • General health resilience
    Due to the specific anatomical structure and horse feed intake, accompanied by powerful breath, respiratory irritation or diseases are frequent. Intake of feed that may contain dust, fine particles of various pollutions - physical, chemical or microbial cause much more frequent respiratory problems. Pelleting feed significantly reduces particle contamination and facilitates feed intake.
  • Homogeneity of nutrients and pellet uniformity
    Guaranteed balance of nutrients and substances in each individual pellets by the principle of "all the ingredients in each pellet". Due to the uniformity of pellets every component of the feed is consummated, which is a common problem when feed is mixed manually.
  • High digestibility of pellets
    Characteristic for horses fed with manually mixed feed is that in their feces granular feed ingredients can be found. Mechanical and thermal processing of ingredients in    pelleted feed improves the nutritional value and digestibility of nutrients.
  • Prevention of selectivity in feed intake
    Issue of fussiness in feeding horses is very common. Non pelleted feeds give them a possibility of choosing and eating only certain feed ingredients.
  • Precision of planning and implementation (dosage) of a particular dietary regime
    If the nutritional needs of your horse change, you will be able to adapt the feed easily and quickly to its nutritional needs.
  • Easy handling and storage of food
    Pelleted feed takes up less space, and feed wastage and dusting are reduced.
  • Extended product life and the preservation of nutrients
    Moderate changes in temperature have no influence on the composition, structure and flavor of pelleted feed.
  • Adaptable in feeding old horses with health problems
    Soaking in warm water makes the pellets softer and easier to chew, and thus the pelleted feed suitable for feeding horses with dental problems occurring due to aging process.